Why Seaweed Fertilizers Are a Game-Changer for Modern Agriculture?

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Why Seaweed Fertilizers Are a Game-Changer for Modern Agriculture?

In modern-day agriculture, farmers are continuously looking for organic and natural solutions that can improve crop productivity and health. Synthetic fertilizers can damage both plants and soil, therefore the demand for organic fertilizers is increasing rapidly.

Liquid seaweed fertilizers are tested as one of the most promising and productive fertilizers in the industry. With the natural traces of micronutrients and organic matter, these fertilizers provide exceptional results. But what are the real benefits of seaweed fertilizers? Read the following blog to find the answer.

7 Benefits of Liquid Seaweed Fertilizers Fertilizers

1. Seaweed Fertilizers Act As Chelating Agents

Seaweed works as a natural chelating agent. Chelating helps to bind nutrients and minerals available in the soil and makes them easier to absorb for plant roots. Being a natural chelating agent, seaweed fertilizers are a cost-effective way to stimulate plant growth by increasing the nutrient uptake of plants.

Seaweed fertilizers break the complex macronutrients such as nitrogen-containing compounds into simpler forms so that plants can easily intake them along with water. Chelation also decreases suppressor activities and reduces the impact of stress stimulants to improve plant health and growth. Therefore, seaweed fertilizers are exceptionally great in increasing crop yield.

2. Stimulation Of Growth Hormones

One of the benefits of seaweed fertilizers is the stimulation of growth hormones in plants. Yes, seaweed extract for plants contains growth stimulators that can trigger hormones like auxin, cytokinin, and gibberellin. These hormones increase cell division in meristematic cells. These cells are present on nodes and axillary buds that are responsible for plant growth.

Hence, seaweed fertilizers help in plant growth by stimulating these hormones. Moreover, the stimulators present in seaweed fertilizers can improve the mycobacterium growth in roots and increase nutrient uptake. For example, seaweed fertilizers help mycorrhizae which contain rhizobium bacteria. These bacteria are responsible for nitrogen fixation in plant roots.

3. Better Photosynthesis

We all know how much photosynthesis is important for plant growth and better crop yields. Liquid seaweed fertilizers naturally enhance the photosynthesis capabilities of plants by promoting chlorophyll growth. Stimulants present in natural seaweed fertilizers perform as catalysts for co-enzymes present in plant leaves.

Moreover, seaweed extract for plants contains traces of zinc and magnesium that are important for chlorophyll production. With enhanced chlorophyll, plants can absorb more sunlight and fasten the food production process. This particularly helps in boost plant growth and maximizing the yield.

4. Enhanced Tolerance To Tough Conditions

Many of the reports and research articles concluded that liquid seaweed fertilizers improve tolerance in plants against harsh weather and diseases. Seaweed fertilizers with growth hormones called auxin support plants in building protective tissue layers during secondary growth that makes plants able to tackle tough environmental conditions.

Furthermore, auxin promotes the production of osmoprotectants that reduces the loss of water during dry periods. Therefore, it helps reduce water loss during summers and winters. Moreover, seaweed fertilizers improve the growth of the root cap and protect the root from external damage. The growth of peripheral roots also eases water absorption and hence better nutrient uptake.

5. Better Soil Compatibility

Inorganic fertilizers cause harm to the soil with consistent use. They can damage the nutrient layer or the topsoil. It can impediment crop growth when used multiple times in a field. Liquid seaweed fertilizers are crafted with organic seaweed, therefore these are called bio-fertilizers.

Seaweed fertilizers with high concentration of micronutrients enrich soil quality without damaging its integrity and formation. Furthermore, these fertilizers improve the water retention ability of soil. Thus, it prevents critical damage like soil erosion. Hence, seaweed fertilizers are soil-friendly and environmentally safe.

6. Increased Shelf-life Of Crops

Seaweed fertilizers contain traces of gibberellins and cytokinin that reduce aging of plants. These hormones promote healing in damaged tissue and help plants fight against bacteria and parasites to maintain consistent growth.

Moreover, liquid seaweed fertilizers help in the timely formation of seeds and maturation of flowers to serve healthy yields. Even after harvesting, produced crops have a longer shelf-life as the tissues have some resistance to deterioration. That means, cells and tissues can prevent rotting for some extra time period that is exceptionally beneficial.

7. Balances Moisture Levels In The Soil

Seaweed contains high amounts of carrageenan and alginates. These compounds are brilliant for moisture retention. Thus, seaweed fertilizers act as a perfect moisture balancer in the soil by holding the water droplets near to the plant roots.

It can bind water droplets in the small pores of the soil and prevent dryness. Roots can easily uptake the water through osmosis which results in better growth. It is effective for dry and sandy soil that has a poor water retention rate. Using liquid seaweed fertilizers in such soils can increase productivity very effectively.

Final Thoughts

In summary, liquid seaweed fertilisers are exceptionally beneficial for different kinds of soil types and crops. It can improve both crop health and productivity. However, not all seaweed fertilizers are the same. Quality and use of natural materials is important.

Centra Biotech provides the finest quality liquid seaweed fertilisers that are certified and chemically proven for better plant growth. Connect with us to learn more about liquid seaweed fertilisers and boost productivity.