
(Vesicular Arboscular Michorrhiza)

Vesicular Arboscular Michorrhiza provide many benefits to plants, including:

Improved nutrition: VAM helps plants absorb nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen, zinc, and copper.

Better growth: VAM improves plant growth and productivity, especially under abiotic stress.

Stress tolerance: VAM helps plants tolerate abiotic stressors like drought, salt, and heavy metal toxicity.

Disease resistance: VAM helps plants resist disease.

Improved soil structure: VAM improves soil structure by aggregating soil particles, which helps prevent erosion.

Reduced nutrient leaching: VAM reduces nutrient leaching from the soil, which helps retain nutrients and reduces the risk of groundwater contamination.

Enhanced active ingredients: VAM can increase the contents of active ingredients in medicinal plants, such as flavonoids, terpenoids, phenols, and quinonoids.

Doses — 10 kg/ha

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